Sunday, November 4, 2012

With 2 large teleprompters Onstage for Mitt Romney, Rally Speaker Hits Obama for Using Teleprompters

Article Mirror

November 4, 2012

Mitt Romney’s use of a teleprompter will be the catalyst of a deafening uproar from Republicans in 3…2… Nothing, huh?

This is actually one of the best foot in mouth incidences of the Romney campaign. Well, maybe that’s up for debate. Before introducing the Republican Presidential candidate in DesMoines, Iowa, Congressional candidate John Archer took the stage, and tried to have a jab at President Obama for using a teleprompter — the same device Presidents before him have used, but what the hell, when you've got nothing else, roll with it.

“Wow,” said Archer, “I don’t need these teleprompters!”

Well, Mitt does. Archer was referring to the large teleprompters on either side of the stage, put there for Mitt Romney’s convenience — but Archer was obviously unaware of why they were placed on either side of the stage.

Washington Post reports:

What Archer may not have realized is that the twin teleprompters erected at both sides of the podium had been set up for his own party’s nominee. Like the president, Romney has been relying more and more on teleprompters in recent days as he swoops in and out of the battleground states delivering a scripted closing argument.

Romney’s aides said the candidate would keep using teleprompters on the home stretch because his closing argument speech is new and he wants to achieve precision and accuracy as he lays out his fresh message. “We don’t have a problem with teleprompters,” one aide said.

Teleprompters shmeleprompters, who cares! We laugh in the face of teleprompters — Except for the right wing during the past few years.

America prefers a President not speaking off the cuff, when a major incident occurs. We prefer him or her (one day) to be on the job and not memorizing the important points, which he could possibly miss while concentrating on actions, not simply words. Actions like resolving issues with the aftereffects of Hurricane Sandy, for example.

As for Mitt, we already know what he really thinks — that was established while he spoke behind closed doors, expressing his disdain for 47 percent of the electorate.

Vote Wisely.

Image: Washington Post.