Wednesday, November 7, 2012

For the Record: Every State that Nate Silver Predicted was dead-on Accurate

Article Mirror

November 7, 2012

Every state that statistician Nate Silver predicted would be in President Obama’s favor, was dead on accurate with the possible exception of Florida which is too close to call decided.

A side by side comparison:

Republican Dean Chambers, founder of the website that claims to recalibrate political surveys to be clear of liberal bias, proclaimed that New York Times polling guru Nate Silver cannot be trusted because he is small in stature. For the record, Chambers is obese.

Chambers said, “Nate Silver is a man of very small stature, a thin and effeminate man with a soft-sounding voice that sounds almost exactly like the ‘Mr. New Castrati’ voice used by Rush Limbaugh on his program,” Chambers wrote. “In fact, Silver could easily be the poster child for the New Castrati in both image and sound.”

‘Sources say’ that Chambers is vigorously exercising and taking voice lessons; his reported attendance in a mathematics class is not faring well.

Karl Rove went in not so surprisingly opposite direction as Silver —  Rove predicted a Romney victory, and by now, we’re all aware of how that turned out. Still yet, Rove clutched his pearls last night, and in defiance, suggested that Mitt Romney not concede Ohio. But, as it turns out this morning, Obama has won both the electorate and the popular vote.

‘Sources say’ that Karl Rove is licking his wounds and attempting to do some soul searching in that vacuous area where his soul is supposed to be located, however, he’s having difficulty finding it.

Newt Gingrich’s predictions also failed.

Image found at: Salon