" James Lyne: How do you pick up a malicious online virus, the kind of malware that snoops on your data and taps your bank account? Often, it's through simple things you do each day without thinking twice. James Lyne reminds us that it's not only the NSA that's watching us, but ever-more-sophisticated cybercriminals, who exploit both weak code and trusting human nature.
Whether he’s taking on insecure hotspots, inept passwords, or lax OS designers, James Lyne exposes technology’s vulnerabilities while elevating the security awareness of everyday users. " -- http://www.ted.com/talks/james_lyne_everyday_cybercrime_and_what_you_can_do_about_it.html
Related Resources:
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6 basic tips for better online security, from TED speaker James Lyne http://blog.ted.com/2013/09/16/6-basic-tips-for-better-online-security-from-ted-speaker-james-lyne/
OUCH! Free, Monthly Security Awareness Newsletter http://www.securingthehuman.org/resources/newsletters/ouch
Cyber Security Tips advice about common security issues for non-technical computer users. http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/
Protect Your Computer from Malware and Wireless Security Tips http://freakoutnation.com/2013/02/20/protect-your-computer-from-malware-and-wireless-security-tips/
General Online Security Links and Resources
How Cyber Criminals Operate http://www.carnegiecyberacademy.com/facultyPages/cyberCriminals/operate.html
Internet Crime Complaint Center
E-Scams and Warnings
ISC Diary: Internet Storm Center
Network Security News
Awareness and Prevention Resources