Monday, July 21, 2014

Here's Why Twitter Users Are Tweeting, "Oh my God, I'm a Republicunt!"

When watching the show "True Blood," Pam and Eric fans know that bloody scenes are inevitable, however, Sunday night's episode offered a little something extra.

The Huffington Post reports:
Vampires Eric and his progeny Pam attended a Ted Cruz fundraiser supposedly held at the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas to search for the parents of their enemy, Sarah Newlin. Trying to blend in, Eric dons a Western-style suit with a bolo instead of a necktie while Pam puts on a purple dress worthy of a gala on either side of the aisle. But when she catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror, Pam utters a line that would light up Twitter:

H/T: TV God @ComgenKDT with thanks.