Article Mirror
After every Mitt Romney blunder, a hard hitting ad will be made — the
Republican candidate has become the gift that keeps on giving —
surpassing even Sarah Palin. Whether the former Governor is actually a
secret leftist planted into the Republican Party, is debatable. Romney’s
foot in mouth disease has provided jobs — for videographers and fact
checkers. Considering the gaffes and…well lies spewing out of the
Presidential candidate’s mouth on a consistent basis, it’s possible that
Mitt is actually working to help reelect Obama.
Approximately one minute into the video John King says, “A lot of
Americans of all income stripes have struggled the last few years and
the risk for Governor Romney is that it is insulting to them. As
a kid, my family was on food stamps for a few years when my dad got
sick. We didn’t feel entitled and we weren’t victims. And my father was
actually pretty embarrassed about the whole thing. But in the end my
mother was grateful because she was able to feed her kids.”
Mitt’s got this under control though! Romney’s plan is to paint
President Obama as an evil Socialist, Marxist, Maoist, trying to turn
our freedom loving country into a Socialist utopia. Yes,
he’s morphing into Sarah Palin.